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Templates Affiliate
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website that speaks to our
If you happen to be the owner of
a blog, publication, or website, our
program is a great way to
monetize your audience.
YouTube, Instagram,
TikTok & more
Sports designer? design
content creator?
Make money easily. With every product sale, you get 15% commission just from sharing our content on your social media accounts or blogs.
Our average order is $70, you will be making 15% of that, which is roughly $10.5 so you can expect to make $300+/month in passive income from referring just 1 sale per day!
Commissions are transferred to your bank or paypal upon your request. you need to have a minimum of $150 in your balance before you can request a payout
We provide you with high-quality, creative material tailored for each social platform. We’ll give you a heads-up each time a promotion is coming so you can get your posts ready!
Earn passive income by promoting the best sports mockups and
design resources on the internet.
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